Add Hidden Configuration Options to Mountain Duck and Cyberduck


For Cyberduck CLI refer to Preferences


There are some settings which aren’t yet available in the Preferences either because they are not considered stable yet or not of general interest. For Mountain Duck and Cyberduck you can add the property line in the format property=value to the file within the application support folder on Windows and macOS.

  1. Navigate into the application support folder.


    The application support folder is the same for Mountain Duck and Cyberduck.

  2. Check for a file named


    The file does not exist by default and must be created manually.

    • If it already exists, open it with the text editor of your choice, add the desired property line and save the file.

    • If the file does not exit, follow the remaining steps.

  3. Open a text editor of your choice, for example, (macOS) or Notepad.exe (Windows), and add the desired property line.

  4. Save the file as a text file (txt) to the application support folder as


    Avoid saving the file in any other format such as rich text format (RTF) when opening in TextEdit.

  5. Make sure the filename is with no additional extension. In case you don’t see the file extensions in the file explorer you can reveal them by following the instructions for your respective operating system.

    You can reveal the file extensions for all files by ticking the checkmark Show all filename extensions within Finder Preferences Advanced. Alternatively, you can reveal the file extension for a specific file by opening the Finder info window on the wanted file and removing the checkmark Hide extension within the Name & Extension section.

  6. Restart Cyberduck and Mountain Duck.


macOS only

Type the defaults command in the format below in a (in \Applications\Utilities) window and restart Mountain Duck.

  • Overwrite default preference with custom setting

defaults write io.mountainduck <property> <value>
  • Revert to default setting

defaults delete io.mountainduck <property>

In .cyberduckprofile Connection Profiles

You can override defaults in specific connection profiles only affecting connections that use the profile.

  1. Open the .cyberduckprofile file in a text editor.

  2. Add a child element to <dict> with a key named Properties and the configuration options inside an array as follows:


In .duck Bookmark Files

You can override defaults in specific bookmarks only affecting a single connection.

  1. Open the .duck file in a text editor.

  2. Add a child element to <dict> with a key named Custom and the configuration options inside an dict as follows:
